The Western Alliance for Restoration Management

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Education and action on inactive mines

There are over 23,000 abandoned, potentially polluting, mine sites throughout the state of Colorado, where the mountains serve as valuable headwaters for the American southwest.

The Western Alliance for Restoration Management’s mission is to build a future workforce in mine reclamation by providing students with on-the-ground, real-world experience in site assessment, monitoring, and stakeholder engagement. The goal is for students to hone valuable job skills in projects at mine sites across Colorado while building the kinds of collaborative partnerships that will serve them throughout their careers.

To this end, Western Colorado University, Fort Lewis College, Colorado Mesa University, Colorado State University, and the Colorado School of Mines are represented on our Board of Directors, as well as multi-national firms such as Stantec, Brown & Caldwell, and Peschard Sverdrup International. To ensure the highest standards, CDRMS, the Animas River Stakeholders Group, Trout Unlimited, and the Gunnison-based geochemical contracting group Whetstone Associates are represented on our Advisory Board.

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